Stress Busting Yoga Pilates Workout - Relaxing Stretch Workout for Flexibility
Leitfaden Gesundheit Yoga & Meditation

Stress Busting Yoga Pilates Workout - Relaxing Stretch Workout for Flexibility

Join me for a stress-busting yoga pilates blend that will help improve your flexibility and serve as a great cool down. No equipment needed, just your body and a mat. Let's get started!

Wide Stance Toe Touch Twist

Start with a wide stance and bend over at the waist. Twist your arms up and down, rotating from side to side. This stretch targets your back and helps improve flexibility. Remember to breathe deeply throughout the movement.

Wide Stance Toe Touch Twist

Wide Stance Toe Touch Twist

Twisted Lunge

Step forward with one leg and lean over that leg, twisting your torso. You can push up on the top hand to increase the rotation. This stretch targets your hip flexors and improves balance.

Twisted Lunge

Twisted Lunge

Downward Dog with Pedaling Feet

Start in a downward dog position and pedal your feet back and forth. This stretch targets your hamstrings and calves, while also providing a gentle stretch for your back and shoulders.

Downward Dog with Pedaling Feet

Downward Dog with Pedaling Feet

Pigeon Pose

Sit back with one knee under your body and lean back in a pigeon pose. This stretch targets your hip flexors, abs, and hamstrings. Take deep breaths and relax into the stretch.

Pigeon Pose

Pigeon Pose

Cat to Camel

Start on all fours and arch your back up like a cat, then reverse the motion and look up towards the ceiling, sticking your butt out. This stretch targets your back and core, helping to improve flexibility.

Cat to Camel

Cat to Camel

Bird Dog

From all fours, lift one leg and the opposite hand, keeping your body in a straight line. This exercise is great for back health and targets your core and glutes.

Bird Dog

Bird Dog


Lie flat on your stomach and press up into a cobra pose. This stretch targets your hip flexors, thighs, and abs. Take deep breaths and relax into the stretch.



Torso Twist

Lie on your back and rotate your legs to one side, keeping your shoulders on the ground. This stretch targets your back and helps improve flexibility. Repeat on the other side.

Torso Twist

Torso Twist

Full Body Stretch

Finish with a full body stretch, wiggling back and forth to feel the stretch in different areas. This stretch helps improve flexibility and relaxes your muscles.

    • Anne Pierce
    • 11-02 13:57:58

    I love the combination of yoga and pilates in this workout. It's the perfect way to unwind after a long day.

    • Harper Brown
    • 11-01 19:51:04

    The pigeon pose is my favorite stretch in this routine. It really opens up my hips and feels amazing.

    • Tiffany Lawson
    • 11-01 16:14:04

    This workout really helped me relax and stretch out my muscles. Highly recommend!

    • Joy Banks
    • 11-01 14:08:50

    I appreciate that this workout doesn't require any equipment. It's so convenient to do at home.

    • Jean Fields
    • 11-01 13:03:01

    I've been doing this workout every day and I can already feel a difference in my flexibility. Thank you!

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